global trade solution logo
GTS is a user-friendly cloud based international trade and supply chain solution that incorporates the core requirements to manage all activities around international supply chain in a compliant and cost-effective manner.

GTS offers seamless integration with the various entities in the international supply chain, including the statutory agencies such as the Customs Authorities.
This approach gives our clients greater flexibility in their approach to the management of their international trade activities. We distinguish ourselves in the marketplace by our depth of functionality and multi- country coverage.

Through our extensive experience in project management, implementation and integration of our solutions within a company’s existing trade processes, we are arguably the leading solution provider.
 GTS connect

toolkits included

  • Tariff and Trade
  • Order Management
  • Distribution and Logistical Management
  • Financial and Foreign Exchange
  • Logistical Service Provider
  • Customs Integration
  • Document Management
  • Reporting
  • GTS Connect*
    *Our Supply Chain Collaboration Tool
GTS has a built-in integration module which allows tracking of the status of all inbound and outbound data in GTS. The solution comes with a large number of standard interfaces which can be deployed through the Integration Module via File Transfer or Web Services. Bespoke integrations can be built to cater for each clients’ need.

Our philosophy is to provide our clients with long-term business process and system support through our team of experts and to continually develop and expand our solutions.